Dr John Rindy is a someone who is recognized on Slippery Rock’s campus by nearly every member of the student body and staff. Rindy is one of the first individuals to be introduced to all potential and accepted new students and their parents due to his position at the university. He has served as director of the Career Education and Development Office at Slippery Rock University for nine years now. The self-nicknamed, ‘Bald Career Guy’ is a face of the university who people may not know much about besides the fact that he loves networking.
Dr Rindy took an unconventional path to get to his career as director of the career and education development office at Slippery Rock. He studied unrelated fields in college such as business, environmental science, and public health. He then went on to work in the corporate world for twenty years before reaching Slippery Rock University. His career path also was unconventional in the way which Rindy reached this position. He Bounced from being in environmental project management at Corning, to a CEO at a healthcare company, and a dean at Theil. Additionally, he currently still teaches part time at Youngstown University. Luckily, he is now here helping the student body of Slippery Rock University brighten their future’s.
Another reason why Dr John Rindy is so recognized on campus by students is his large social media presence on Twitter. He uses his Twitter to reach students who may not have the time to come into his office for help or reach those who do not know about the service the office provides to them. He also recently used Twitter to defend Slippery Rock University after the Dr Phil statement. Dr Phil attacked SRU by using them as an example of an undesirable destination for college. Dr Rindy took to Twitter to come back at Dr Phil with facts and statistics to show that Slippery Rock is an excellent university.
He felt as though Slippery Rock is part of his personal identity so when someone attacks the school they are attacking him and student body. So he did what he felt was right and made a statement which gained the attention of mass amounts of people. Things like this make @baldcareerguy such a big social media presence.
Everyone knows what Dr John Rindy does at Slippery Rock but things such as hobbies, interests, and passions show more about who a person really is. Whether it be a playing in a bocce league with his wife, spending time with his dogs, practicing his Christian lifestyle, or riding trails on his bike Dr Rindy is always spending his time doing something that he enjoys.
There are some things about Rindy that some people may never have known. He has many fun facts about himself that may surprise some people. Here he is talking about a few fun facts while also sneaking in a quick career plug.